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Editor in Chief - Environment And Development
Secretary General - AFED
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Selected Editorials
After 'Arab Spring Floods': Do Not Use Climate Change as Excuse
Najib Saab
May 2024

Will the spring floods that hit some Arab countries serve as a reminder of the power of nature and the inevitability of respecting its rules?
Investing in the Poor
Najib Saab
April 2024

The $20 billion provided by the US Environmental Protection Agency this month to support the transition to sustainable energy in local communities represents a milestone.
Defying Nature Can Buy Time but Does not Save the Environment
Najib Saab
April 2024

Can technology alone stop the collapse of natural systems, without addressing the root of the problem and changing production and consumption patterns?
Energy Transition: Fixing Plan A Should Precede Shifting to Plan B
Najib Saab
March 2024

Achieving the goal of tripling the production capacity of renewable energy by 2030 will not be possible if the world continues on the current path.
Water Label Besides Energy Label
Najib Saab
March 2024

When shopping for any electrical device, we find a label specifying energy efficiency, usually from best to worse, in classes from A to G.
Europe Succumbs to the Farmers' Revolution
Najib Saab
March 2024

Finally, Europe has succumbed to the farmers' revolution, with the European Parliament elections around the corner.
Artificial Intelligence: For Sustainability or Destruction?
Najib Saab
February 2024

Governments, businesses, industries and financial institutions, as well as universities and research centers that do not keep pace with developments in artificial intelligence (AI) put themselves out of the competition.
Environmental Education for a Sustainable Future
Najib Saab
February 2024

The perception of environment has expanded in recent decades from fighting pollution to the management of natural resources.
Misleading Green Labels: From Food and Fashion to Cars
Najib Saab
January 2024

The phrase "Made from recycled materials" was what first caught my eye, printed on a label attached to a sweater.
COP23 Protects Marine Life...Who Protects Human Life?
Najib Saab
December 2023

There is no typo in the title, as the subject of the article is indeed COP23 and not COP28.
The environmentalist minister of energy
Najib Saab
22 June 2020

Amid news about the increasing number of coronavirus deaths, confirmed cases, and the fear for new waves of the virus, other positive news has gone unnoticed. This includes news that proves that the will to live and progress is stronger than any pandemic or disaster. Few recent events stood out in this context at the environmental level.
Education on environment creates prosperity and stability
Najib Saab

When discussing environmental changes and challenges, and their relation to sustainable development, the role of education cannot be underestimated. A report released on 14 November by the Arab Forum for Environment and Development (AFED), tackles this issue and recommends a road map for integrating environment and sustainability into curricula. Entitled Environmental Education for Sustainable Development in the Arab Countries, the report traces signs that many Arab countries have begun to appreciate the key role that the environment should claim in their education systems.
Is renewable energy in Jordan victim of its success?
Najib Saab
"A victim of its own success? Jordan re-evaluates its power generation strategy," was the title of an article in The National Law Review, following the Jordanian government's decision to withhold licenses for new renewable energy projects. The sudden move came at a time when the Jordanian renewable energy sector had reached advanced levels and gained global acclaim as a remarkable success story. This resonated a similar decision one year ago, when Jordan revoked the tax incentives extended to encourage electric and hybrid cars, at a time when their share of new imported vehicles surpassed any other country in the world, exceeding 50 percent in 2017. This success in promoting cleaner cars made Jordan a model in the region and inspired similar regulations in other countries.
Is renewable energy in Jordan victim of its success?
Najib Saab

“A victim of its own success? Jordan re-evaluates its power generation strategy,” was the title of an article in The National Law Review, following the Jordanian government’s decision to withhold licenses for new renewable energy projects. The sudden move came at a time when the Jordanian renewable energy sector had reached advanced levels and gained global acclaim as a remarkable success story. This resonated a similar decision one year ago, when Jordan revoked the tax incentives extended to encourage electric and hybrid cars, at a time when their share of new imported vehicles surpassed any other country in the world, exceeding 50 percent in 2017. This success in promoting cleaner cars made Jordan a model in the region and inspired similar regulations in other countries
Who pays the bill at Climate Summit?
Second week of negotiations at the Climate Summit in Paris overshadowed by the question of who pays the bill. A draft agreement reached at the first week was put forward to the ministerial segment, with unresolved issues revolving around the distribution of responsibilities.

Arab Environment in 10 Years
ARAB ENVIRONMENT IN 10 YEARS crowns a decade of the series of annual reports produced by the Arab Forum for Environment and Development (AFED) on the state of Arab environment. It tracks and analyzes changes focusing on policies and governance, including level of response and engagement in international environmental treaties. It also highlights developments in six selected priority areas, namely water, energy, air, food, green economy and environmental scientific research.
Environmental Agenda
Environment in Arab Media
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